Mama Movement

prenatal + postpartum dance

Why dance?

  1. Help your baby get into the most optimal position for pregnancy and birth by practicing asymmetric pelvic movements.

  2. Improve posture, relieve back pain and relieve round ligament pain by strengthening and stretching your body.

  3. Strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in preparation for birth and the postpartum season. The body will recover more quickly in the "fourth trimester."

  4. Prepare the body for labor. Not only are you strengthening your body for labor, but you are also adding dance to your "tool-belt"! Dancing throughout labor helps you to listen to your body and move naturally through the sensations that arise. Fun fact: many laboring women left uninterrupted will start to form their own sort of "labor dance."

  5. Connect with other mamas, connect with your baby, connect with yourself!

  6. Learn about birth culture, traditions, and history from around the world!


Do I need previous dance experience? 

Nope! Mama Movement classes are designed for all shapes, sizes, and experience! Anyone can dance, including YOU! 

What styles of dance will I be learning? 

Mama movement classes incorporate MANY different styles of dance from MANY different cultures! You will be learning belly dancing inspired from traditional cultures of the Middle East, African movement, Hawaiian movement, contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, Qoya inspired movement, and so much more! Come with an open and adventurous mind! 

Do you offer "class cards" or "monthly rates"? Do you take cash, check, or card? 

Class cards and monthly rates are not offered yet. For now, the class tuition is $12/per class. Both cash and card payment methods are accepted.

Can I bring my baby? 

Babies are more than welcome! This is what makes the post natal aspect of the classes so magical! It is recommended that babies are worn in a well-secured carrier. The class instructor will be more than happy to assist you in getting the hang of "baby-wearing."