The fine art of palpation

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

the fine art of palpation

I vividly remember the first time I gently laid my hands on a mother’s belly, feeling delicately and sensitively for the edges of her womb space and position of her sweet baby. 

I remember feeling kicks and nudges as the sweet child within responded to my touch. 

I remember grinning from ear to ear as the midwife guided my hands to feel the head, the bottom, the back... and I remember the curiosity I felt as I listened to the upbeat rhythms of the fetal heart through a fetoscope for the first time. 

After these first experiences, I was so excited. I remember returning home, after that day of prenatal appointments, and conversing with my husband with glee and gratitude-- explaining how amazing and wonderful it is to learn this magical art of palpation.

As I have continued to gain experience and knowledge, joy and curiosity have only increased. 

How grateful I am to learn such a lost and dying art, as the use of serial ultrasounds has made this fine practice of palpation to be forgotten and "outdated. *sigh*

I breathe deeply and ground myself before palpating. I warm my hands as to avoid a frigid and shocking touch. I ask permission before placing my hands on a woman’s body.

The journey as a student midwife is so empowering and eye-opening. It is intimate. It is gentle. It is honest. It is warm. 

I am grateful.

Peace and blessings,


Gratitude Changes Everything


Enhancing the birth “cave”