What is holistic care?


What is holistic care?

Holistic care is for ALL people and ALL birth... not just for the “natural” ones. 

The true definition and concept of holistic care is: “relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts.” Holistic care takes the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of the person into account...the entire being into consideration. Mind, body, spirit.. all of it. Complete. 

Think about our day-to-day lives. It may seem simple and partitioned at first. We may view our lives as separate from those around us. We may not think our stress levels affect our physical health or we may not notice the effects our surroundings have on our thoughts or our mood...

In reality, whether we notice it or not, our lives are this incredible and intimate hodgepodge of interacting wholes that, in turn, create deep connection and that cannot exist independently. Our core essences are all little droplets of light that combine to create one brilliant and burning sun. 

This is the basis of holistic care: The idea that one symptom just isn’t enough information to explain the root cause. The idea that emotions, spirituality, and physicality truly matter. The idea that if one part is not working properly, the whole is greatly affected.

Holistic care takes your entire being into consideration. Holistic care recognizes the subtleties of your body, the musings of your mind, and the colors of your soul.

So, why are we talking about all of this again? 

Holistic care is for ALL people and ALL births... not just the “natural” ones.

When we hear the term “holistic” we may just think of home births and midwives, but the truth is holistic care can be provided in ALL settings.  

We ARE whole, and should be treated as such. We must seek this kind of care for ourselves and give this kind of care to each other. This isn't about whether or not we are spiritual, or whether or not we live "natural" lives... it is about recognizing the entire human in front of you and caring for that whole. 

As a doula, I holistically support ALL forms of birth in many different settings, not just the “natural” ones.  

Love and blessings, 


Sharing life, practicing vulnerability